Rental contact:
Jill Purk; 937-605-2481
(Horse Area rentals. Please contact Jill Purk)
**This is for personal and business building rentals only. All Flea Market related inquiries need to be directed to the telephone number on the home page.
Farmers & Merchants Activities Building (Heat, Air, Kitchen, Restrooms) 80’x160′: $600 (additional $100 for sound system)
Michael’s Horticulture Building (Heat, Air, Kitchenette, Restrooms) 60’x130′: $500
Merchant’s Building 80’x144′: $600 Goat Barn: $100
Woodruff Show Arena 80’x160′: $500 Sheep Barn 70’x210′: $100
Rabbit Barn 45’x80′: $250 Camping (other than fair) $25 p/n
Swine Show Arena 40’x100′: $250 Lunch Stand: $50
Farm Bureau Barn 30’x40′: $100 Round Tables $5 each
*Prices are per day rental. See contract below for further details.
p/n = per night